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Upcoming Yahoo! Presentations

Yahoo! to present at the Deutsche Bank Media & Telecommunications
Conference in New York. Hilary Schneider, Executive VP of Local Markets &
Commerce and Yahoo! Publisher Network will present on Tuesday, June 5,
2007 at 2:50pm Eastern Time / 11:50am Pacific Time.

A live webcast of the presentation will be available on the Investor
Relations website at

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Initial Thoughts on Microsoft Aquiring Aquantive

Techcrunch had an earlier article. At $6 Billion or $66.50, an ~85% premium over the previous days selling price that creates a price to earning rating of around 52, many people would consider this to be overpayment. With approximately $26 Billion in the bank that shareholders consistently complain is underutilized, it is more likely insurance to prevent a bidding war and a break up of the deal as apparently happened behind the scenes when Microsoft originally tried to acquire Doubleclick.

With headquarters both in Seattle, these partners likely know each other well from the tightly woven Seattle networking community so there is likely a known cultural fit. It is likely clearly friendly due to this and how quickly it came together so quickly after losing the bidding for 24/7 real media. The major question is can Microsoft quickly integrate and leverage these systems with its’ own, some of which have overlap and the graphical side. The other risk is can Microsoft tie up the critical thought leadership staff in an appealing way that maintains the creative culture? Time will tell.

Much like Google’s acquisition of Doubleclick there are conflicts of interest to be resolved. In Doubleclick’s case they own Performics, a search marketing and optimization firm. The Avenue A | Razorfish division performs a significant search marketing and search optimization function just like Performics. Google has yet to state how they will resolve this. Microsoft could score points by stating a plan to deal with this before Google does.

Aquantive has spent $200 Million in the 2004-2006 acquiring Accipiter, iFRONTIER, Franchise Gator, DNA, Amneisa, e-Crusade, GOTOAST, Neue Digitale, NetConversions, Technology Brokers/Media and SBI.Razorfish. While the impacts of these businesses are not yet fully known, Aquantitive prides itself on buying and integrating emerging businesses. Some of these are creating a media exchange like Right Media recently acquired by Yahoo!. Some of the value of this transaction likely lies hidden in these small business lines.

While the integration risk is not insignificant, Aquantive was one of the last premium players available and Microsoft can certainly afford the premium.

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Interesting Techmeme Visitors That Came to Read MyBlogLog News

There were interesting visitors that stopped by to read my MyBlogLog post! I thought you might like to learn about some of them.

First I wanted to report that this Techmeme only event had an average visitor page view of 3.23 yesterday.

Several months back, I had a major Digg event (Chicago Comcasted) had an average visitor page view of 2.35.

The MyBlogLog post had significantly lower page views overall, but had many other fresh posts written and indication of higher engagement. While you could draw other assumptions here, I’d rather wait to see some other data.

Below is a random sampling of some of the interesting readers that visited the site during the event:

Takuya Misawa, a Japanese Social Entrepreneur

Blog Potato, a site that is trying to build the world’s largest blogroll (feel free to sign up!)

Chris at 10e20, who envisioned a possible version of the rebranding back in January.

Cameron Barrett, someone who has had a blog dating back to 1997 at the urging of Dave Winer.

Stewart Mader, writer of Using Wiki in Education, which is a neat resource.

Loren Baker from Search Engine Journal, who whipped up a great post of his own on MyBlogLog (Always good to see you Loren!)

Roybn Tippins, who originally shared the MyBlogLog info with 100 people.

Ian Kennedy, who writes a blog called Flashpoint – he apparently shares my financial services background from his days at Lehman Brothers and currently works for Yahoo!

Chad Dickerson, who runs the Yahoo! Developer Network seems like a naturally networking and fun guy!

Mark Fulton, who among other things is an authority on domain name investments.

Jacob Share, owner of Jobmob.

Eric Berlin, the Online Media Cultist.

Patrick Schaber, The Lonely Marketer

Dan a “slacker” from Australia who authors The Wrong Advices.

The folks at the Weblog Tools Collection.

Brie from A New Wave of Thinking.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to get to know you all on a deeper level as time goes by. Please feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed if you have not already done so. Thanks! See you soon.

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MyBlogLog to Rebrand and Make Significant Changes

At SOBcon yesterday in Chicago, Robyn Tippins, who was recently hired as the MyBlogLog community manager, spoke about several major upcoming changes with MyBlogLog.

There are several changes in the works:

1) The biggest news is that there will be a rebranding of MyBlogLog. The exact timing and new brand were not revealed. (YahooBlogLog or MyYahooLog? Time will tell.)

2) A complete site redesign is on the way!

3) A new “Widget 2.0” is coming with some hover features.

4) Yahoo! is hard at work to remove the offensive photos so that MyBlogLog would be palatable to more conservative business blogs.

5) Some sort of method to turn off your presence for some types of sites will be added.

As they do not have these changes locked in, Robyn would love your comments and feedback. To not overwhelm her, please drop your comments below.

Analysis: The rebranding is not a surprise move. MyBloglog is really only known amongst the first adoptors and blogosphere and getting the Yahoo! name is front of more people in a soft way is a good move. Yahoo! seems committed to making these changes, while listening to suggestions and making the product more dynamic. Looks like the best is yet to come from MyBlogLog.

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Mother’s Day 2007: A Search Engine View

Fresh from having a nice breakfast with my Mom on this Mother’s Day, I decided to take a look at the search engine offerings. – no offering visible upon my visit. – real nice offering of a heart with a tattoo looking thing that says “Mom”







Google –

Yahoo! – Nice crayon coloring the logo with a nice note. See the full animation by clicking this link.

Winner: Yahoo! who got the meaning of the day put into full action! Congrats Yahoo!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!!!

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Upcoming Yahoo! Presentations – Terry Semel & Sue Decker

These upcoming events will be available for streaming online.

Yahoo! to present at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference and
Goldman Sachs Internet Conference during the month of May.
Tim Cadogan, SVP, Search and Listings Marketplaces will present at the
Deutsche Bank Technology Conference. The presentation will take place
on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 1:30pm Eastern Time / 10:30am Pacific

Terry Semel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Susan Decker,
Head of Advertiser and Publisher Group, and CFO will present at the
Goldman Sachs Internet Conference on Wednesday, May 23 at 9:15pm Eastern
Time / 6:15pm Pacific Time.

A live webcast of both presentations will be available on the Investor
Relations website at

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Microsoft Strategic Account Summit 2007

The main parts of the Microsoft Strategic Account Summit are today and Wednesday, here is the schedule. My initial thoughts:

1) I wish it were broadcast online, even the Chris Cornell concert, this is a lost opportunity for exposure to those who can’t be at the summit and build positive PR.

2) We’re going to hear another round of Yahoo! and Microsoft merger talk. Much like old URL by Charlene Li, I do not think this is the best path. They would be better off hiring teams of people with experience innovating products and services in different industries. This get past the limiting beliefs of continually hiring passive candidates who demonstrate no loyalty or passion for their present companies.

3) Why is John Battelle the only person at the summit blogging his thoughts? His post is the only one I could find about the opening night’s festivities.

4) I’m interested in information about the people shaping mobile search at the summit, please contact me.