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Duplicate Content (again)

Last week, I talked about how duplicate content was a big issue at the SES Chicago conference.

Robert Scoble is up in arms about how some of this is handled. How is this splogger monetizing his traffic? Adsense does not appear present which can be a root cause.

I disagree with Robert that filtering and retooling web search for every new type of splog is the way to go. I do think that finding and cutting off monetization methods is the best long-term solutions. This, of course, will not be easy.

UPDATE: Someone pointed out that this splog is a linking authority splog, interesting concept.

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AI Gateway Accepted to Major University Technology Incubator

AI Gateway, a development stage search portal and ad network with a truly unique value added technology, was accepted into a major university incubator today. Founder Joe Holcomb put significant work into this effort and gave me a shout to let me know that this goal has been reached. 

AI Gateway is currently seeking angel funding and or an aggressive venture capital participant willing to fund a predevelopment concept based on a unique business plan that starts to generate revenue quickly upon completion of a beta product.  

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Chicago SES – Day 2 – Duplicate Site Issues

I came to this session to hear abouts splog and what Google and others were going to do about splog prevention (apparently nothing yet). I was also inerested how feeds affected organic listings as I’ve personally experienced some problems. What I got instead was a bunch of people developing business sites that needed redesign and/or clean up, certainly necessary, but not as interesting to me.

Jon Glick,

What is duplicate content a problem?

Google, Yahoo, Open Directory Project…

Confusing the Bot: Dynamic URLs

Confusing the Bot: 2 URLs

Don’t confuse the spider – chose one canonical domain and link all internal pages

301 redirects, your hero…

Yahoo! has transparency on whether your site is banned, check it out.
Shari Thurow, Grandtastic Designs

What is duplicate content?

The definition is unclear.

Search Engines do not want duplicate or near-duplicate content in their indices.

Duplicate content filters:
– content properties
– linkage properties
– content evolution
– host name resolution
– shingle comparison

example: 3 web pages, 3 unique URLs – robots.txt excludes the duplicate content or meta tag can do the same thing

Duplicate content is often copyright infringement.

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SES Chicago 2006 – Day 1 – Ads in a Quality Score World

How do you do better in a quality score world?

Joshua Stylman, Reprise Media

– Quality score is determined by a number of factors
– Google Adwords =  CPC x CTR (more relevant copy)
– Why make these changes – control over #1 position
– 2005 – Black Box – CPC, CTR, Landing Page, Ad Copy, others that aren’t transparent
– CTR not a good proxy for relevance, irrelevant landing pages, etc.
– Example of dramatic lowering of CPC once ad had a quality score
– Unintended impacts – artificial CPC inflation, Engine define “quality”, changes affect quality score
– Death of bid management, not really.
– How do you solve for an equation that you don’t understand

Andrew Goodman, Zero Page Media

– Two quality scores – one affects minimum bid, the other affects ad rank
– “Other relevancy factors” – tightness of relationship keyword – ad – landing page
– Relevant ads, ad keyword are critical
– How it works – see the public guidelines, human codes used to train algorithm
– Principles for ad quality raters are derived from user feedback on a large scale
– Adbots crawls landing pages looking for ”markers” a formula will determine score
– QS  Ad Rank – CTR still key
– You can fix some of these issues – Advertiser (A sports training facility) using separate page to test response on different domain
– Don’t be foolish
– Cheesy Landing Pages + Deceptive Offers – “There is No Sanctuary”
– Try country variance

Jonathan Mendez, Otto Digital

– Strategic services arm of Offermatica
– What is relevance? Contextual relevance.
– Segmentation + Targeting = Relevance
– Engagment
– Ad needs to be relevant to the keyword and the landing page
– Geotargeting – important to news growth

Brian Boland, Microsoft

– Was there for the question and answer session – Google was invited to the panel but declined to participate


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Forrester Consumer Conference – Mobile Marketing’s Play In The Channel Strategy

Charles S. Golvin, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

Where do you fit in? Discussed Crest toothpaste mobile campaign example

What tools are available, what is the reach, what are the learnings?

Tools available today:
– Messaging
 – Voting
 – Promotions
 – Search
– Mobile Browser
 – Banners
 – Interstitial
 – Search-based
– Applications and content
 – Free / discounted services

New mechanisms are emerging
 – Physical proximity
 – Coupons and loyalty (Cellfire)
 – Using location (opt-in) to improve targeting

Where does mobile fit?

What is the reach of these tools?
1 in 4 receive text messages regularly

Youth see their mobile phone differently

Think Europe is so far ahead? Think again…
 – Internet penetration is higher in USA than Europe

What does the data mean?
 – Mobile campaigns need to target data adopters

It’s still early
 – Most US consumers still use voice
 – Mobile formats are small and generally difficult to use
 – Ad Standards need to be developed
 – Mobile is a unique channel

Compared with the fixed Web, consumers’ mobile experiences are:
 – Abbreviated
 – Transactional
 – More tied to the physical world
 – Successful campaigns embrace these differences

Best practices
 – Target mobile early adopters
 – Immediacy factor
 – Tailor content to mobile screen and user’s process
 – Use promotions to boost response rate
 – Employ creative or ad formats that match product or service
 – Time campaigns for maximum business ROI
 – Tie mobile to offline marketing

Tomorrow’s mobile marketing next practices
 – Integrated marketing campaigns
 – Performance-based metrics
 – Smart use of innovative functionality
 – Location sensitivity