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A Suggestion for Google Webmaster Central

During the past week, I had a server move internally and a moved to a server in new data center that required new nameservers. Both of these events caused several hours of downtime.

I found myself thinking, wouldn’t it be great if I could log into my Google WebMaster Tools and inform the Googlebot of these outages so that it a) wouldn’t send a Googlebot during this time period and b) would not draw conclusions based on the downtime. It’s an interesting idea, so I’ll invite Amanda Camp, Adam Lasnik, Matt Cutts and Vanessa Fox to consider this idea for a future release.

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Another Reason SEO Matters (Dave Pasternack of Did-it) + Blogroll Submissions

To run a successful SEM campaign on Google and now Yahoo! the quality of the landing page matters, which implies strongly that it is SEO optimized and friendly. So even Google says that you need to have SEO skills to run an SEM campaign!!! Though the sloppy way some folks linked to his bio page makes one wonder if he is losing a war but winning a battle?

In the spirit of SEO, I’m currently adding to my blogroll for a limited time. Please add my blog to your blogroll with just my first and last name and e-mail your link and short anchor text preference. I’ll get right back to you with your new Google PR5 link.

Relevant links:

No longer exists:

No Longer exists:

Dave Pasternack

Dave Pasternack

Dave Pasternack

Dave Pasternack

If I missed a relevant site, please let me know.

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Highlights From Google’s Earnings Call This Week

Eric Schmidt stated (I’m loosely quoting here) that – mobile click through rates exceeded that of traditional search.

Jonathan Rosenberg stated that they were working on a “CMO dashboard”. This the kind of thing  I used to build at BlackRock – it’s one of my visions for this industry. There is such a long way to go and other data sets to crystalize.

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Making It Easier for Blogs to Link to Blogs Instead of News Sites

So Robert Scoble got upset the other day about people linking to major media sites instead of other blogs.

It seemed interesting to me. I started to think about the issues involved, mostly because it didn’t seem like natural behavior. But then it hits you like a brick, all of the major search engines have news and search search from their main pages, while only has blog search on it’s home page (they should move it above news). Yahoo!, Google and Live Search do not. In fact Yahoo! and Live Search would have to acquire or develop such technology.

As you may recall, I have a history of suggesting search engine home page changes that become reality.

So, I’d like to please ask all of the major search engines to add blogs as a major top line category (to the left of or above news) and potentially think about creating options to merge blogs and news into one category if a user desires (I would find this helpful). If the Internet is all about user generated content, shouldn’t the major search engines reward and make that the easier default view?

It will look like this (though a little neater, I’m no graphic artist!).