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Business Card #2200 – Bryan Eisenberg

I’m scanning cards this morning before I leave for Search Engine Strategies in San Jose, Outlook Entry #2200 is now Bryan Eisenberg. Bryan along with his brother Jeff recently authored the book “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark“. Though I’ve only read the first few chapters due to my insane time constraints of late, I will read the rest soon.

I met Bryan at ad:tech Chicago in the lobby of the hotel and we went out and shared an outstanding meal together. It was fascinating to compare his 7 years on the search engine circuit to my 7 months. We had different yet relevant data to share with one another. It was good fun and I would love to work on a project with him someday as we share similar visions of the world.

I hope to get around to writing a book review of his book sometime soon.

If you are looking to start a conversation with Bryan a good place to start would be to mention how he likes to visit bookstores and sign the books – while they are still on the shelves! He says they appreciate it and it sells more books. Sounds odd, but it’s the type of interesting things you will talk about in a conversation with him.  

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Wordcamp in San Fran Today!

Wordcamp is today in San Fran. I would go if the airfare to go to the Search Engine Strategies wouldn’t have been double to do so. Bummer. Hopefully Neal Patel will grab my XL tshirt that I had reserved.

I will sadly miss speeches on Blog Promotion and Writing a Compelling Blog, State of the Word, Monetizing your Blog, WordPress Wishlist, SEO & WordPress, Microformats and Structured Blogging – I look forward to seeing detailed reports on all of these.

In Regards to WordPress Wishlist – I would like to see the following 10 5 items: Continue reading Wordcamp in San Fran Today!

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Southwest Props for Customer Listening – Kinda Sorta

Everyone has heard the rumors about Southwest moving to assigned seating. They gave me the impression that they were clearly listening this morning for a moment or two.

I was sent an e-mail asking me to vote on the issue (Including using my frequent flyer number to create integrity) – though the questions were not detailed and there was no comment box option. It’s clear that they are looking at a few seating options.

OK, Dave, what could they have done better? Well, for one while they sent me the e-mail the poll is not mentioned anywhere on their blog at this time and it should be. Secondly, they should have made the poll results transparent to the voter afterwards so they got the feeling their opinion matters.  But overall, props for taking the time to ask!

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Cubs Rainout Pleasure

It’s so nice when you get to watch unedited, unplanned and mostly live TV – during the Cubs rain delay – fun content… 

Local Newspaper Daily Herald Reporter Interview
Dusty Baker Pre-Game Press Briefing
Ron Santo Interview & Tribute
Greg Maddux Says Goodbye
Bruce Sutter Tibute (Now a Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame)
2003 Cubs “Highlights”

Ah the simple pleasures in life…not nearly enough of them.

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Interesting Concept – Think Customers – Not Campaigns

If they truly live what they say, it sounds like I’d like these people.

“Too many marketing organizations are still underperforming due to a “think campaigns” mentality rather than “think customers” mentality. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. To make the transition from campaigns to customers-and reap the rewards-organizations must begin by gaining a strategic focus. Using the four best practices of relationship marketing, help identify your marketing organization’s weakest link when it comes to building more profitable customer relationships and then choose the best Enterprise Marketing Management solution for filling the technology gaps. From increasing their customer IQ to bringing measurement up to customer speed, companies like BMO Bank of Montreal are becoming relationship marketing leaders, and they have the results to prove it. Think customers.”