I thought you should be aware of these upcoming events.
June 19th, Jeff Pulver is having a party at the House of Blues in Chicago on June 19th from 7:00pm-11:00pm. You must RSVP. It’s rumored non-RSVP’d intruders will be escorted out the back door on Lower Wacker Drive and trust me those rats down there are mighty big so don’t even think about it!
June 20th, Kirsten Nicole, one of my favorite chat buddies that brightens my days, of Mashable is holding a gathering, buy your tickets by June 6th and get a 2 for 1 deal! The event is described as follows:
The web 2.0 technology community is experiencing a lot of growth in Chicago, and we would like to not only recognize this community, but help bridge the gap between Chicago and Silicon Valley and other traditional tech dominated locales, where there is a wealth of knowledge and resources for all things technology-related. The media sponsor for the event is Mashable.com. We expect to have 5-8 start-ups from across the country demo at the event and there will be plenty of networking!