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Techcocktail 5 John Barleycorn Wrigleyville Pictures

It was great to see everyone last week at Techcocktail 5 in Chicago. Michael Carruth from Digital Bootcamp sent me some really cool pictures of me with Chris Hill from Perkspot (first picture) and Aza Raskin from Humanized so I thought I’d share them with you. Big thanks to Dan Ushman from Midphase Web Hosting for generously sponsoring both this event and the recent Barcamp Chicago where Matt McCall recently spoke on venture capital tips.

See you around town sometime soon!

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Post an MBA Alumni Job or Career Posting

Why post that experienced level Top 10 MBA business school or retained search opportunity to the masses when you could contact already well connected innovative thought leaders in Internet, search engines, mobile commerce, investment management, private equity and venture capital directly via the blogosphere?

Thanks for dropping by via your search engine of choice.

Comments on this post are now closed due to job spam. You may contact David with your MBA level jobs and he’s happy to talk to you about them.

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Thank You For Your Comments on Marketing and Search News

Drew McLellan recently reached a comment milestone and linked out to those participants in a post thanking them for making his blog a success. Comments are the lifeblood of a blog. It’s why I have the recent comments prominently displayed in the top right corner of this blog now. Since I just reached 500 comments and trackbacks (the number of links below is less due to the frequent comment leavers!!!), I’m celebrating your contributions! Thank you to all!!!

Without further delay here are the comments that left URL addresses or made pingbacks – I think I removed the duplicates:
:: jozjozjoz ::
Aaron Brazell
Abe Olandres
Adam Hertz
Adam Lasnik
Alan Wilensky
An ongoing Press Release
Andy Beal
Angela Vargo
Cartoon Barry Blog
Barry Schwartz – Search Engine Roundtable
Bill Hanekamp
Bill Slawski
Blogging Pro
Blueheart Blossip
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Brian’s Business Blog
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Carl Bromley
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Charlotte Web Design
Chris Garrett
Chris Messina
chris williams
Craig Smith
Dan Schawbel
Dana Todd
Daniel Sitter
Dave Pasternack
Dave Van de Walle
Me in Chicago
David Sifry
China Search Marketing Tour
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Dawn Douglass
Digged Stories
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Ed Kohler
Ed Kohler
El Cable
Elaine Vigneault
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For once and for all!
Forever Geek
Frank Gruber
Garrett French
Geeky Housewife
gl hoffman
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Henri Duong
Hiten Shah
Ian Kennedy
Bill Slawski
Inside the Mind of an Internet Marketer
Internet Marketing Monitor
Ivan Minic
Jason Alba
Jason Bartholme
Jason Jacobsohn
Jeff Barson
jennifer jones
Jeremiah Owyang
Jeremy Zawodny
Jim Santo
Joe C
Joel Lemieux
John Carcutt
Jonathan-C. Phillips
K T Cat
Karl Long
Kathie Thomas
Kathy Sierra
Kevin Dugan
Kevin Lee
Kevin Makice
Kris Kolodziej
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Ryan M
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Search Engine Land
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shel israel
spacecowboy ian
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Technology Evangelist
The Article Writer
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The Wannabe Venture Capitalist
Tom Shelley
tom sherman
Toma e Embrulha
University Update
Weblog Tools Collection
Website Magazine
Wendy Piersall
William C. Spaulding
Year Zero at (((withoutsound)))
Zeppelin Media Blog

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Chicago Tech Entrepreneurs Aza and Jono Eat Cicadas

At BarCamp Chicago, I became aware that Jono and Aza of Humanized had dined on cicadas during the recent cicada brood XIII emergence! While I didn’t ask if they checked with an allergist before dining and eating cicadas as is recommended by many experts, Aza did share the following about the cicada eating experience when he sent me a follow up roasted cicada picture:

I’ve attached the picture of Jono with skewered Cicadas. We prepared them by marinating them in white wine before roasting them over smoldering coals. They tasted like freshly roasted peanuts, but with a slightly bitter aftertaste. If you closed your eyes, you wouldn’t know that you were eating a cicada except that the legs scratched a bit on the way down.

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Looking Forward to Barcamp Chicago 2008

I’d like to thank Jason Rexilius for organizing another outstanding Barcamp Chicago event in 2007! I look forward to 2008 – however we should seek to create a process that keeps the communication and collaboration going all year. It is after all a process, not an event.

Here are some blog summaries of the event(you guys need to link to each other more!):



Ken Vandine

Joi Podgorny

Dave Bost

It would be impossible to summarize all the great people that were there, but here’s a few:

Michael Carruth, I got to see a different side of him with his talk about domains today, he’s more than a software trainer and startup enabler!

Matt McCall, a summary of his talk is here.

Aza and Jono from Humanized. I had a great sit down conversation with Aza regarding their product and their plans for it. Wonderfully positive and visionary guys see many things that fit into the elusive obvious.

Individuals like Scott Van Den Plas, Hencry Hwangbo, Victoria and David Naylor were there.

Andy Sernovitz, Aaron Williams and Mike Mangino also gave talks.

Thanks to everyone for the good times and personal growth! I appreciate it deeply.

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Matt McCall Gives Venture Capital Investing Tips at Barcamp Chicago

As I’ve gotten to know Matt McCall more, I begin to appreciate his approach. He doesn’t fit the preconceived mold that many would think of when they picture the typical venture capitalist. He’s more of the “people’s VC”. He understands that he uncovers unique future management team talent, investment ideas and can contribute to the public relations success of his portfolio companies by attending and sponsoring events like Techcocktail and Barcamp Chicago. Each time I interact with Matt, I learn a little bit more about how the game is played and come closer to mastering it.

This past Sunday, Matt gave an informal speech during Barcamp Chicago. It was a great pleasure to see him talk in such unstructured detail. You may wish to see my past TiE entrepreneurs venture capital discussion panel writeup to learn more about Matt as he moderated an excellent panel back in 2006. Be sure to click through to the link of the full transcript in the Wiglaf Journal.

I was busy asking Matt questions during the talk. I noticed that John Mascarenhas was taking notes and invited John to be a guest blogger with his notes. John has been on the founding teams of three startups, including Fullaudio (Musicnow). John is looking for opportunities with early stage tech ventures including clean tech and has had experiences in strategy, business development, financial modeling, marketing and early sales roles – in operations and as consultant.

Here are John Mascarenhas’ guest blogging notes on Matt McCall’s talk on venture capital at Barcamp Chicago 2007:

Matt McCall, a partner with Draper Fisher Jurvetson Portage, speaks about venture capital. In the spirit of BARcamp, keeps his presentation informal and open, answering questions with the perspective and insight of an experienced investor in early stage technology.

Following are my notes, based more on what is interesting to me than attempting to cover everything that is said. [My comments are in brackets]

VC is right for a minority of start-ups – self-funded or angel investments are right for most tech start-ups. Remember the 10x rule. VC’s need every investment to have a potential for a 10x return, because of the high-risk nature of early stage investments.

Entrepreneurs should ask themselves:
1. Is my idea/nascent business a ‘business’, a ‘product’ or a ‘feature set’
2. How big is the pain I’m solving? Has anyone ever paid for this? (Evangelizing is tough.) Generally, either behavior or infrastructure drives the inflection point. (e.g., widespread broadband made web-video business viable) Who is paying and how much

Size the market from the bottom up. Need to know – we have sold or can sell this widget for $X to Y number of customers. Then, there are x thousand other target customers with the same needs/pain.

Matt likes pay for performance lead generation. Everyone is already trained to give you a cut. It’s not just ad dollars.
Harder models to make work are a) productivity gains…hard to quantify and b) cost savings. Hard to set a test and say here are the cost savings. For cost savings the best route is often outsourcing, so customers do not have to pay a lot of $ to get started

In response to a question, Matt discusses why NDA’s aren’t appropriate for a VC to sign. For example FeedBurner has been successful not because of a proprietary technology, but more because of the excellent customer experience.
1. They cycled very fast, improvements, great customer service.
2. they focused. One thing: syndication services for publishers

FeedBurner would continually iterate to keep ahead of the competition, and not let them get a foothold. The point is you have to know what the comp is doing, [and looking ahead to what could become a competitive advantage for them if you don’t focus on getting there first] Jonathan Wolter of Feedburner was here confirming and adding to what Matt says.

We’re in an era when tech is a commodity. Need to out-execute, and become a standard. (e.g. ruby on rails) User experience is the key. Simpler, no change in customer behavior. Michael Moritz, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful VC’s is highly focused on the user interface.

More advice for entrepreneurs from Matt:

Find teams that are plugged into the network they are dealing with:
– Shows in good understanding of the revenue model
– Shows in knowing your competition doing it now. (if vc asks you about it, don’t say they are no good…shows lack of diligence)
– Don’t quote Gartner etc…it’s meaningless (or worse) to a VC

Response to a question. As VCs use their network to poke around the market place and know more than what the entrepreneur said, that’s not a good sign. With FeedBurner, Matt and his team did early due diligence, checking around the space before investing. What they found confirmed what they were being told by the Feedburner team.

Responds to question asking why he invested in Viewpoints. Matt loves the idea of consumer reviews and re-syndicating it back out. Matt believes that Matt Moog will be continuing star in our region. They are proactively engaging communities and iterating quickly.

Thinking of Viewpoints and other opportunities, Matt talks about the growing model of consolidating content (like reviews) from pools, building community interaction, and re-syndicating that back out. As the Internet evolves, some of the major ways to monetize traffic evolved from banner ads, then search, then/now social networks. Matt thinks the 4th wave is interactive cascading of markets in IPTV, web, mobile etc…two way communication.

Pitch – business plan should be as detailed as you need it to be to get your thinking straight. For VC, 5-7 page summary and 25 or less slide presentation. VC’s all have ADD. Going to win or lose in the first 2-3 slides.
Funding Process: couple weeks to get meeting, few weeks, then one more pitch, then term sheet – then massive due diligence. 4-6 weeks. Assume 6-7 months from start of looking to closing on money.

Market research: loves to see this – we sell x product for x money or something similar for something close to x money. Go deep in a given vertical…how you productize and sell. That is how it works. Prove P, then give visibility on Q, in that vertical. Think in terms of Account worth = y heads $x per month…pipeline of next 100. Matt wants some visibility of how the company will get to $50MM or $100MM revenue.

Responding to a question – says focus will be on one vertical, but also look at analogs to show how you can move into other verticals.

Thanks again to John Mascarenhas for sharing his notes as a guest blogger in the section above.