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Cutting Edge Sourcing at Fox Interactive Media

Human Capital Management, HR Technology Conference 2006 #9

Virtual Edge Software: Roger Coker – VE Pilot:
– Zero-Talent Outages
– Succession not Replacement
– 360 view of talent pipeline

Fox Interactive Media: Conrad McGinnis

50% Professional
35% College
15% Other

FIM Talent Sources
35% Employee Referral Program
25% Direct Sourcing
15% Job Boards
25% Our Career Website

1400 Employees based in the US currently

Traditional Sourcing Method
– Old Media Mentality
– Dated and geared to film and TV
– Limited to local universities

New Strategic Sourcing Strategy
– Targeted to Tech
– Tech tools for better communication
– Global versus local
– Recruiting structure – Personnel
– CRM – VE Pilot

Search Engine Marketing – overall has found Google to be most effective

Why Search Engine Marketing?
– Reach Active and Passive Candidates
– Inclusive and Broad Approach
– Pay for Performance
– Workforce Planning
– VE Pilot

Other Tools:
– Fox Careers Site
– Myspace Careers Site

Reference Checker and Sourcer are separate

Frees up recruiter to build relationships with hiring manager and candidates

Training and Networking Events:
– Recruiters must know the business
– Recruiters need to spend more time in front of the desk than behind it
– Recruiting teams are true partners in moving the business forward

Employee Referral Program
– Myspace friend branded
– Ticket themed logo for concert – B.Y.O.F.
– Increased cash incentives
– Teaser campaign

Tracking Referrals
– Keeping track of individual job referrals
– Link track (like affiliate marketing campaign

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Creating Global Recruiting at Time Warner

Human Capital Management, HR Technology Conference 2006 #9, Time Warner – TWX

A fabulous introduction of Maggie Rubey Lynch, Corporate VP, Worldwide Recruitment & Executive Search, Time Warner by Deb Besner, CEO of Brassring opened the session (Time Warner uses Brassring for their employment/jobs portal), Lauren Levine a member of Maggie’s team also participated in the session.

Areas of best practice:
– Time Warner has an in house executive search practice
– Operate on a business unit basis, country specific candidate experience
– Outstanding partnership between IT and HR – a model for any other company

270 recruiters globally, no centralization prior to 2003

TM Divisional Feedback re Recruitment Needs:
– Quality Candidates
– Fast Fills
– Superior Service
– Ease of Process
– Client Group Ownership
– Strategic vs. Reactive
– Cost Savings
– Ability to Identify / Move Internal Talent
– Ability to Identify Top Tier Diverse Talent

Spend time on the front end selling and partnering with people to make it work

Business & Recruitment Feedback:
– Recruitment support at more levels that just senior
– Research support at more levels than just senior
– Diverse Slates
– Internal Mobility
– Tough to fill discipline specific

The mission:
– Create holistic recruitment team
– Leverage in-house expertise

Deeper Dive:
Attrition by Division
Types of roles by Division
Volume of Recruitment Efforts
Structure of Recruitment Teams
Expenses – Internally / Externally
Recruitment Systems

Action Steps:
Design and build scalable infrastructure
Identify top Recruitment Professionals to move the recruitment objectives
Streamline Processes and create efficiencies
Understand where investments are producing a return
Be true business partners
Know our business and identify growth areas to anticipate recruitment needs

Four Critical Areas:
Executive Search
Strategic Sourcing
Recruitment Operations

Integrated Recruitment Teams
Recruitment Director (headquarters)
Client Group Recruiters (anchored in Operating Units)

“Beyond the resume” – transferable skills, diversity or experience – it’s about process and having a conversation about where you want the position to go. (Stated a different way, why use an ancient job specification?)

100% Utilization by all Divisions
1,496 Search / Research Assignments
Cost Savings of $48 Million
48% Females Hires
41% Diverse Hires
Increased internal mobility from 2% to 35%
Created a first time external revenue stream by conducting external search

Getting legal team to agree across divisions was the biggest challenge

(Human Capital Management, HR Technology Conference 2006 #9, Time Warner – TWX)

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Hess Corporation Hopes to Strike Oil with a Talent Management Suite

Human Capital Management, HR Technology Conference 2006 #9***Standing room only session***

This was a great session where you learned about how to truly implement complex change across an organization.

Brian Bohling, SVP HR, Hess Corp.
Hess, $18 million case with Authoria
86 of Fortune 100
$23 Billion in revenue
12,000 employees
Headquarters in NYC

Authoria provides enterprise-scale technology across all aspects of the talent management lifecycle.

Performance management process  Hess had been using 6 different systems. Our technology stuck. Revamped it from scratch.

Strategic map designed by employees. We changed 401K vendors. We are building transparency.

We got people to use the tool, redesigned rating metrics and emphasis on results.

Training, onboarding, objectives create performance, money, career paths, everything, etc.

Made certain to check with internal clients to make sure things worked along the way. Started with remote locations first then brought it to home office.

Feedback and buy in were critical. People like the intuitive an online support.

Tod Loofbourrow, Authoria, 9 year old company, 300 customers representing 4.2 million software installations…almost ten times salesforce,com

30 of the 300 clients are full talent management clients integrating all of those pieces in a simple and branded fashion is something Hess did well. Having a vision of the desktop. One less complicated system. Understanding key talent drivers. Look a the way business processes link. Career development and learning.

Is this stuff real. Remove silo problem perspective. This is a line of business and CEO issue. ERP, CRM, etc.

You need Integrated Talent Management drives client experience.

Example about Raytheon  they need to hire 11,000 engineers and scientists annually. A massive challenge given the constraints.

Competencies – keep it simple, yet learning is driving change in Hess process. Select on fit for purpose.

(Human Capital Management, HR Technology Conference 2006 #9)

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Costco (COST) – Needs Customer Focused Perspective – Post #2

On my last trip to Costco, September 3rd, I discussed some problems and things needing change.

My return visit today showed that they still haven’t changed any of the items mentioned, in fact some were worse today.

The Palmiers had not been restocked.

The romaine lettuce all had expiration dates two days from today. Being in a single person household, I don’t mind buying the six stalks, but I expect there to be stock that has expiration dates of at least a week from today at all times, I mean I’m not buying wilted lettuce from a half price store.

The cashier experience was again disappointing. Somebody in front of me had a paper check (why do they even still allow that at all?). The cashier then forgot to ring up the juice in my cart. Worse, there were long lines *again* due to not enough cashiers being open, yet there was an army of folks at the manager’s station. I mean every week this place acts surprised and like it’s a new experience to have customers come up the registers ten minutes after the store opens.

This store continues to be the most disorganized Costco I’ve ever visited, I wonder why they aren’t taking the customer feedback more seriously.

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Google Recruiting “Error” – “Fixed”

After over half a month, Google finally put up a site on the URL in the September United Airlines Magazine.

It’s interesting that this took over half a month for Google to properly coordinate this simple media campaign between a magazine and a micro site. It certainly shows all is not well within Google’s recruiting department.  

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Jeremiah Owyang on Social Media at Ragan PR Conference

I arrived to the session late….

Corporate bloggers must have thick skin.

Community Manager – gather sources and send them away…they will come back.

How do I get all employees involved?

Community marketing allows engagement.

Responding to complaints:
– Engage the blogger – “we hear you”

Blogger relationships – treat them with respect and analyst.

Bloggers are egotistical.

I’m not in PR.

Prospects trust other customers than anything else. Embrace and use your current customers.

Let go, to gain more.

Do not over structure corporate blogs for product announcements.

Blogoshpere conversation benchmark tools are important. 
Rift between corporate communications and web – often exists.

You should educate people to overcome that rift. Social Media consultant.

Just do it . The tools will evolve.

Give to the community and they will give back. 

You need to trust and love your employers. IBM built it’s blogging policy with a Wiki.

Vivid examples given about how to use Myspace.

Wells Fargo has a blog, teaching credit. Useful content build trust.

 Links, activity, forum and stickyness.
C-level blogs can save time as the future meetings are framed.

Sun, says C-level leader is to communicate. 

“Social media is gray.”