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An Example of the World’s Data Crisis

The World Trade Center had one zip code, 10048. Five years later after their destruction, mail of all kinds arrives there daily! It’s an all too sad and vivid reminder of the crisis in our society with businesses not putting priority on cleaning data. This happens every day with catalogs sent to people who have moved or are now deceased.

In this case it’s inexcusable because it’s all one zip code that would be easy to surpress: 10048.

Whether it’s mail, e-mail, web pages, web 2.0 social networks and/or social media, the value creation foundation starts with data integrity. To build the superior ideas of the future, this area will play a pivotal role. Unfortunately, all too many people do not properly value data integrity or value not been blessed enough to be immersed in a culture who is obsessed with it as I have been in the past.

Consider whether you have a good enterprise data strategy before you launch your next project!   

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New Yahoo! Maps Release

I *loved* the old Yahoo! Maps product. Late last week it was replaced with a very “Google looking” map that has a small fraction of the restaurant listings that the old maps product did.

Stated simply, I prefer the old release much, much better. The new release was rolled back once before in favor of the old one and I still find the other one to meet my needs better and I would prefer to use that one.

Fellow blog readers what do you use for maps and why do use that particular one?

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Mobile Business Expo – Unified Communications / Future of the Phone

The following s a combination of two sessions that were both interesting and had considerable overlap – Developing a Successful Unified Communications with Mobile Technology & The Future of the Phone.


Developing a Successful Unified Communications with Mobile Technology
Moderator – Eric Krapf – Business Communications Review
Chris Kardish, Principal, Nemertes Research, Inc.
Marty Parker, Communication Perspective
Brian Riggs, Current Analysis

Communications integrated to optimize business processes. – Parker
Example: Sales as teams instead of many individuals. Increases customer loyalty and speed. How do I standardize it within my enterprise? Biggest problem. Also, standardize this platform. Why isn’t mobile device acquisition standardized? This is the tough nut to crack.

Integration real time and non-real time applications available in one locations. – Riggs
Unified communication is not a product, it’s a solution to a problem.

Extremely interesting session. I would have liked to have provided more detail but there was intense crosstalk with a considerable amount of acronyms.


 The Future of the Phone

Marty Parker – Principal Consultant, Communication Perspectives
Bill Hughes – Principal Analyst, In-Stat

Bill – Will have an identified operating system. Wireless phones are still considered a yuppie toy.

Marty – Voice and a data device. We didn’t have to destroy railroads to build airports. (writes a blog on Friend went to China used only Blackberry. The person doesn’t have a desk anymore. The main number goes only to the secretary.

Marty – Trends to watch, PBX now realizes it’s a software world. Reduce dependence on hardware.

Bill – There is a difference in companies, some micro-manage the bill, others see it as a fountain pen. “We are going to save money no matter what it costs.”

How is mobility going to affect my cost structure?

Marty – budgets drive behavior in corporations.

Bill – I will pay $40 for mobile car charger, but not one cent more for a longer life battery. It makes no sense.

Marty – At IBM, it’s becoming protocol to IM before calling someone. The GPS phone could become your phone and mail code identifier of the future.

This is very complex  topic involving significant leadership focus from the enterprise to drive the complex types of changes that were being discussed. It’s surprising that more people aren’t listening to what they are preaching, they should be.

tag: mobilebusinessexpo2006

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Jennifer Slegg Interviews Yahoo! SVP Steve Mitgang

Jennifer doesn’t put up daily interviews, but when she does, they are interviews that make you take notice.

The interview of Yahoo! SVP Steve Mitgang focuses on the release of Panama. New metrics like assists and number of interesting and many other new items are discussed. The interview lasts about 60 minutes.

Good job Jen!!!

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Forrester Consumer Conference – Mobile Marketing’s Play In The Channel Strategy

Charles S. Golvin, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

Where do you fit in? Discussed Crest toothpaste mobile campaign example

What tools are available, what is the reach, what are the learnings?

Tools available today:
– Messaging
 – Voting
 – Promotions
 – Search
– Mobile Browser
 – Banners
 – Interstitial
 – Search-based
– Applications and content
 – Free / discounted services

New mechanisms are emerging
 – Physical proximity
 – Coupons and loyalty (Cellfire)
 – Using location (opt-in) to improve targeting

Where does mobile fit?

What is the reach of these tools?
1 in 4 receive text messages regularly

Youth see their mobile phone differently

Think Europe is so far ahead? Think again…
 – Internet penetration is higher in USA than Europe

What does the data mean?
 – Mobile campaigns need to target data adopters

It’s still early
 – Most US consumers still use voice
 – Mobile formats are small and generally difficult to use
 – Ad Standards need to be developed
 – Mobile is a unique channel

Compared with the fixed Web, consumers’ mobile experiences are:
 – Abbreviated
 – Transactional
 – More tied to the physical world
 – Successful campaigns embrace these differences

Best practices
 – Target mobile early adopters
 – Immediacy factor
 – Tailor content to mobile screen and user’s process
 – Use promotions to boost response rate
 – Employ creative or ad formats that match product or service
 – Time campaigns for maximum business ROI
 – Tie mobile to offline marketing

Tomorrow’s mobile marketing next practices
 – Integrated marketing campaigns
 – Performance-based metrics
 – Smart use of innovative functionality
 – Location sensitivity

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Forrester Consumer Conference – Tuning Into Mobile TV

Charles Glovin gave the presentation

TV be gone!

Mobile video takes many forms.

What is the timetable for success?

Key elements for success…

                        Person to Person       Application to Person
Not Real Time   Video Messaging          Video Downloads 
                        Video Streaming
Real Time         Video Phone                Broadcast TV
                        P2P video streaming     Live Video Streaming
– SeeMeTV

– I-report on CNN

– MobiTV >= 32 channels well known brands – currently repurposed cable content

– GoTV >10 channels

High speed cellular networks are expanding adoption during 2007 to 2008

Broadcast is more efficient than streaming

And new networks are under construction

– True broadcast video, optimized for mobile devices
  – Launching in early 2007 in limited markets
  – Around 25 video channels, plus audio programming
– These new network operators will be wholesalers to the mobile carriers
  – All interactivity will come from the cellular network
  – Excess capacity can be used for datacasting and personalization

New mobile services are slow to catch on.
  – Price, battery life, size and style are decision points
  – Service has to be widely available.
  – Consumers have to understand the proposition
Mobile TV has some additional hurdles
  – Content with broad appeal
  – TV needs to look like TV

TV is just one piece
  – TV on mobile will always be inferior
  – Differentiation lies in its interactive capabilities and in location
  – Enables conversations

Mobile TV’s success is several years away