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Yahoo Suggestions – Suggestion Deleted

In my post earlier today on Yahoo! Suggestions, I stated the following (in bold no less):

“If Yahoo! builds the appropriate mechanisms to utilize and respond to this feedback, it could easily be the most important thing they do all year.”

I made a post on Yahoo! Suggestions – “Yahoo! E-mail – please improve the spam filters – too much spam gets through” in the hopes that it would get voted on by other people caring about the issue and that Yahoo! would respond by putting resources on correcting the issue. At mid-afternoon, the entry had 9 votes. Then I got the message below stating it was deleted. As I write this I’m absolutely stunned, how can Yahoo! state that the “Suggestion is not actionable by owners of this Suggestion Board, therefore we are removing it.” If this is going to be the normal procedure of Yahoo! Suggestions, I now have serious concerns about the success of the Yahoo! Suggestions initiative. Hopefully, they will review the procedures and improve this.

  • Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:48:25 -0800 (PST)
  • Subject: Your suggestion on the my suggestion board was deleted
  • From: “Do not reply”
  • A board administrator has deleted the suggestion you placed on the my
  • Suggestion Board.
  • Reason provided: Suggestion is not actionable by owners of this
  • Suggestion Board, therefore we are removing it.
  • Suggestion topic: Yahoo! E-mail – please improve the spam filters
  • Yahoo! E-mail – please improve the spam filters – too much spam gets
  • through

25 thoughts on “Yahoo Suggestions – Suggestion Deleted

  1. That sucks, but I can’t help but say, if you don’t want spam you should think about just switching to GMail. With Yahoo even if you didn’t have spam, you’d still have to put up with Yahoo’s annoying ads.

    While writing this I thought I’d check my old Yahoo mail account… WTF? It took almost 5 minutes just to log in! and 12 spam in my inbox & 415 in my spam folder… With GMail, the last time I had even _1_ spam in my inbox was at least a month ago, and it takes just a few seconds to log in…

    Oh and also, Yahoo Mail storage space 1GB vs GMail’s 2.8GB.

    One thing though, if you happen to find or know a way to filter out 100% of spam please let me know, trying to filter it for my office is driving me nuts. 🙂

  2. Honestly. . I would think that this suggestion would be blatantly obvious. That is probably why it was deleted. I imagine that just before the suggestion was deleted, it probably solicited a collective “O rly?” from Yahoo. Spam and spam blocking is a constant arms race and is a primary concern for one of the largest e-mail providers on teh interweb. Instead of complaining that too much spam gets through, think up a suggestion that may help increase the amount of spam blocked. I imagine that would at least be looked at.

  3. When I started getting spam in my Yahoo account I started using Thunderbird (with YPops for free pop access). At least when I’m using my laptop I don’t have to see spam. Once I mark a piece of spam in Thunderbird that kind of spam always gets filtered out. I think Yahoo out to take a look at Mozilla’s code.

  4. It seems to me the suggestion board you posted to was not for Yahoo, but specifically the My Yahoo(, which is was marked as inactionable by THAT board. There does not seem to be a mail, or general Yahoo suggestion board as of yet.

  5. You should create another one that says, “Yahoo Suggestions shouldn’t delete legitimate suggestions.” And link it to this page. Also, put a note about doing this in your article so that all the digg traffic gets it and goes and “suggests” (doesn’t have quite the same ring as “digg” does it?) it up!

  6. Coreburn…the ONLY account I have ver gotten the Nigerian royalty scam is on Gmail. I have never gotten one thing of Spam on Yahoo mail. Sure, Google catches most too, but I am getting more and more Spam coming through Gmails filters.

    Suggesting that someone switch to Gmail makes you look like fanoby, not someone trying to legitiamtely help him. There is a reason why Gmail is nothing but a tiny, fairly insignificant player on the web based e-mail market.

  7. Is Yahoo! Mail POP3? If it is, you could just open a gmail account (which now allows you to send/receive from your pop mail accounts). Their spam filter would allow you to manage it better.

    ps – please don’t delete my suggestion ;p

  8. Maybe it was deleted for exactly the reason stated: it’s not actionable by the group that maintains and monitors the suggestion board. I know that seems lame, but weeding out spam is a vastly different challenge than developing a front end mail client. The one is largely about networking, security, and filtering. The latter is all webdev. I guess they didn’t want to put up a form titled “Yahoo Mail Front End Suggestions” and I can understand why. I’d let this one go. It’s not the injustice of the century.

  9. Coreburn – as I study the space, I keep an email at all three major players to stay in the loop on activity. I agree gmail is superior on spam, inferior on spellcheck – type ot instead of to an you’ll see what I mean when you hit spellcheck in gmail.

    Thomas – it’s blatantly obvious, but they aren’t fixing it.

    Jamon – Good suggestion!

    JK87, how old is your yahoo! account, mine dates to 2000.

    Charlie, that is the best category fit as my yahoo uses your login id.

  10. I’m sure it was deleted because he posted it to the My Yahoo! suggestions forum, which has nothing to do with Yahoo! Mail.

  11. Andy – It’s one company and if they feel that way, it should be rerouted!

  12. As 2 others have stated already, the Yahoo! Suggestion Board has no categories dealing with Yahoo! Mail, thus your suggestion was removed.

    Just because it’s one company, doesn’t mean that they have to take your suggestions on any of their products no matter where you put them. There’s an appropriate place for everything, and having to spend their own time categorizing every suggestion on their own would be futile.

    I’m sure if you log in to Yahoo! Mail you may find some place to contact their support people – try submitting your suggestion there (or heck, suggest they add a Yahoo Mail! category to the Suggestion Board).

    *hands you a towel to wipe the egg from your face*

  13. Eli – I disagree fully.

    my yahoo and mail are linked to the same user id. the company should be rerouting these or fixing this so you can leave a comment for any area at Yahoo!

  14. I get more spam with Gmail than i do Yahoo and gmails ads are just as annoying.

    Infact gmail has this habbit of forgetting everything i tagged as spam and opening wide up about every 3-5 weeks. My yahoo account that i have had for 7 years is still less spammy than my gmail account of 3 years.

  15. Bryon – I jealous of your experience, mine is just the opposite.

  16. […] read more | digg story […]

  17. These are good points but the main reason why the spam gets through is because the ones sending it have their fingers in the yahoo cookie jar. Or its just that the “Yahoo Suggestions” is just a lil piss poor excuse for yahoo “caring” about the lil guy. The only way to stop this is for everyone to never ever go to any sort of yahoo page, this will make yahoo lose advetising revenue. Cheers to all fighting the good fight. (Corperations)

  18. Umm… is it me or is there no Yahoo! Mail suggestion board? That’s probably why they deleted it. You posted an off-topic suggestion.

  19. Uhm, Josh, did you read my previous comment, my yahoo and your user account are linked to mail and I considered that the best fit. The fact there is no process to move this to another area if they think it’s not right – this is not the best way to win points with users.

  20. As many have pointed out, the “Tango” Suggestion Boards project does not yet have a board for Mail. As Michael wrote in the announcement, “It started with Yahoo! Autos and has proliferated across 14 other properties.”

    While I appreciate that a single Yahoo! ID provides you many services, all from the same company, I believe the Suggestion Boards are going to be most effective when they facilitate direct communication between users and specific product development teams.

    If you care to provide mail feedback, here’s the place: (found in the “Help” menu on all Mail pages.)


    Nate Koechley
    Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library team

  21. Charlie is right. There is no suggestion board for email yet. They’ve launched the boards for certain properties only. Be patient. I can’t imagine they won’t have one for Y!mail soon.

  22. Odd but maybe they already had that suggestion, you probably didn’t see it – but the mods probably got tired of seeing the same requests over and over again so they just deleted the dupes.

  23. Then tell me it was combined and give me the new link!!!

  24. I’ll just stick with my favorite, Google suggest….oh wait, Yahoo actually did win at something.


  25. Dear Sir why my yahoomail is not opening from past one month

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