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The Motley Fool Suggests Google is “Killing the Internet”

So far this month there have been two noteworthy pieces written about click fraud and related issues.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban blogs that click fraud is “FAR greater” than imagined. Quite an interesting read and one coming from a wealthy Internet pioneer to boot. It’s clear that he has a strong opinion on this subject.

The second article is from The Motley Fool and is entitled “How Google is Killing the Internet”

While I encourage everyone to read the article thoroughly, here are some interesting quotes from Seth’s article:
“Markets don’t correct without competition and information, and I don’t think there’s enough of either here to make a difference. Yet.”

“I don’t know the answers — or even all of the questions. But if this problem is as bad as some fear, it could eventually put a major crimp in Google’s entire revenue model, if not the entire pay-per-click business. I would argue that the explosion of link farms and spamblogs is pretty decent evidence that the click-fraud biz is not only alive and well, but also thriving at the expense of all of us. Except Google. For now, anyway.”

It’s interesting to see such high profile articles or blog posts on these topics. It will be interesting to see where this goes from here.

2 thoughts on “The Motley Fool Suggests Google is “Killing the Internet”

  1. Share and Enjoy is a little deceptive…those links are to submit your blog entry to those “social bookmarking” sites. There’s nothing wrong with that, why dont you say it like it is?

    As much as Cuban’s ego needs no stroking, I think these articles are the start of a big, and justified, google backlash which could send their stuck plummeting and make people start screaming BUBBLE 2.0!!! throughout the interweb.

    [edit – link contained photos which some could consider offensive – also took your great suggestion to heart and made the suggested change.]

  2. This post is great. Thank you for this post. I like this type of people who share knowledge with others.

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